Project & Works

  • Q1, started and paused the Web3Wanderer project in February. Nick was busy with their main work; working on it alone was not motivating because I depended too much on Nick to develop and code our project.
  • I tried new competencies in Q2
    • on-chain analysis
    • token-engineering But it was not really successful; my mindset approach was not good, and starting from 0 was very hard. I decided to focus again on product development and UX
  • Q3, we think about a general product called 0ptima, a protocol where data is encrypted by default and anyone can create their own applications
    • I think of and shape a first application to build on top of it
    • Nick started to think about the infrastructure
  • Q4 was the most productive and prosperous period
    • Launched my website, started to write, and started to express my thoughts
    • Rework on Web3Wanderer, shape the vision with more maturity than Q1
    • Nick really started the code development for 0ptima (I was happyˆˆ)

My site as blue zone

  • I started my website in mid-October; it was something I always liked to do. But that was finally presented to me as flash evidence
  • It was something to redynamize myself after spending “3 empty months” and being back in my second home I’m happy about what I produce. I have several concepts that make sense to me. That aligned with my goal to create my mental model and reflection about Web3, finally where I’m born.

What I learn - about work

  • UI/UX
  • English is now my second language; soon first :)
  • Project management; Agile methodology; system and UX mapping
  • Don’t trust when someone says, ‘I have a job for you; apply and it will be ok’
  • Break my mental gates about coding and start to touch on some concepts

What I learning - about me

  • Manage your expectations with people (while they promise you a job but are not the final decision-makers in the company)
  • A simple question can change your mind: why, how, or what?
  • Really made the effort to think and used my brain
  • Being less lazy to do simple action every day helps and is satisfied
  • Ignorance hurts a lot. Accepting that you don’t have answers from people can happen (I can quickly drop it and continue my way, at least, which is not bad)
  • Radical choice, help me again this year
  • Health: don’t wait; work can wait tomorrow
  • Don’t wait for others
  • Human behavior and system behavior
  • Saying “I love you” will not kill me
  • Music has an important place in my day, and I should develop my knowledge about what I listen to

I’m still limited on:

  • I don’t know how to code my own project; I depend too much on others
  • There are still some English improvements to be made
  • express my thoughts and show up with my value proposition

What’s my focus for 2024

  • target the core value for each subjects I studying
  • launch Web3Wanderer
    • find a way to bootstrapping or financed the project as public good
    • find front-end dev to
  • launch first version of 0ptima + 1-2 project build on top of
    • shape the product vision + mental model
    • explore possibilities and find a first target audience
    • mapping of the network effect
    • generate Apps idea
  • Send more applications to find a job and get interviews

Continue in my way, continue to write, express my thoughs, continue to learn and develop my network. I don’t know peoples in same vibes than me. Continue to consume writing but produce my own too. Consume more videos content too.


I’m self-made and start from 0. I’m “late” about several tech concepts, and it’s taken me a while to catch up on all of the concepts and important steps of each concept. So, I want to know the core values that drive each concept. I like it because I often discover a lot of founders whose projects wrongly use words, which can be confusing for users and improve the misunderstanding between projects. This also gives me a solid basis for communicating with senior citizens and compensates for my lack of experience.

This end of the year is quite painful to spend it alone. For 2024, I really need to create better equilibrium between work and human contact. I spend most of my days talking to myself, hanging out two times per week to co-work with Nick. Some hanging-out dates I tried gym for 3 months before being back in France; it was good, but I don’t prioritize these activities during the summer, so that cut off human contact.

I am seeking my first experience with a company or project. To achieve it, it will probably lighten me on some points like: concretize my work; skills are valuable and someone trusts me; have a stable financial income; that is not the case for 2023, where I make money on Q1 and no more.