TL;DR #010 - Decentralization for social network; Privacy token notifications

Sufficient Decentralization for Social Networks Source: Sufficient Decentralization for Social Networks by Varun from Farcaster. Challenging problems with decentralizing social networks → Scaling networks are a series of messages passed between users through a centralized server. enable users to choose any server they like to store their messages and sign each one with a public/private key public key become a unique identifier for the user, and messages are tamper-proof Alice {write message} → facetok server ⟷ {read message} Bob Alice {write message} → Alice’s server → {read message} Bob → {write message} Bob’s server...

January 20, 2024 · 5 min · 1039 words · Cleminso

009 - Introduction to 0ptima protocol

The goal of this review is to: Introduction to 0ptima protocol: problem statement, why, and our personal frustations; introduction to tech solutions What is 0ptima + our values How our design chooses + missions Is it an exercise for me to express what we try to achieve with 0ptima. Is still incomplete and requires technical confirmation about our design, it’s time to take the plunge! Today, most systems, applications, and software are closed and cannot communicate together....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 1020 words · Cleminso

008 - Core values of Privacy; Anonymity; Pseudonymity

Why this review? To avoid confusing and clarify when we used these terms to define online product I interpret this review from data point of view Why we want… Privacy To secure our personal informations Security and vulnerability to identity theft for me and peoples I know (social graph) By controling our data that ensure to control our own lives (at least online) Privacy and decentralized system, avoid surveillance. Imagine you know you are being watched or tracked every day, but you don’t know where or by whom, spoiling our lives already....

January 9, 2024 · 4 min · 642 words · Cleminso